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Christmas in August!

17 Aug

These days I have to be very $$$ conscious, especially with a new addition to the family on the way. However, I’m a girl that loves loves loves clearance sales and sometimes I just can’t help myself. Look what arrived today!:

I bought most of these items on clearance off of ASOS when they were offering free shipping to the US. The shower gel and such came from, yep, you guessed it, Luna Bleu. I’ve actually ordered from Luna Bleu twice in the last month, but I simply couldn’t resist their August sale!
I really tried to search for these items on their site again, but it looks like they’re all gone, so I can’t get any good pics of them, however, I will try to show some close(r) up photos. Of course I’ll take pics again once I actually get these babies home and take them out of the packaging.

Aren’t the scarves gorgeous? I’m not really a scarf girl, but I simply couldn’t resist.

What I absolutely can’t wait for is to use my Paul and Joe lipstick. I think that by now you all get that I love glosses, but this lipstick looked so pretty on the site, and really stands out in person!

I hope you enjoyed viewing my haul as much as I enjoyed showing it. Don’t expect any Outfit of the Day’s from me because that’s not my thing, but as I try to figure out how to wear these scarves I’ll make sure to post pics.