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Friend Friday: Au Naturale

5 Nov

1. The move to do away with soap, shampoo and deodorant has been
growing in popularity in the last year. What are your thoughts on this

I love this trend, probably because I participate in it myself. Although I must say please, please PLEASE use some type of deoderant. It gets hot as haedes around these parts in the summer and I really don’t need to inhale and discover that you smell like onions *gas face*. However, I do like to use soaps with a natural base when I can, but the biggest change so far has been with my shampoo. I rarely shampoo and when I do, I try to use shampoos with more natural, gentle ingredients. That’s one thing I’ve done in the past year that I’ve never really done before – I pay attention to what I put on my body. Before 2010 I didn’t even know what parabens were *true story*.

2. Be honest how often do you wash your own hair?

I wash my hair with shampoo once or twice a month. Otherwise I co-wash about twice a week.

3. Have you tried to go the more natural route by forgoing shampoo?
What happened? Or would you be tempted to try it?

As I mentioned I only shampoo twice a month or so. If I skip co-washing for a week, I get flakes, so that’s a big no-no for me. I only skip co-washing if I’m extremely busy or sick.

4. What products do you use and have you ever gone with more organic

For my shampoos I use something from the Organic Olive Oil hair line. For conditioners I bounce between the same line and Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. God my hair loves that stuff! As for my body products if I’m not using any new natural soap that I find at Whole Foods, then you know I’m using my favorite product, Luna Bleu. It makes me smell soooo yummy!

5. What about that daily shower? Would you forgo that opting to shower
three times a week instead?

I guess I would really need to see the point before giving a true answer. I need someone to explain to me how me forgoing a shower daily really helps in the end. I don’t get it.

So, how about you ladies and gents. Are you riding the new au naturale wave? Do tell!


Friend Friday: Conspicuous Consumption

20 Aug

It’s Friend Friday! This is part of a blogger group with Modly Chic. If you’re a blogger that would like to participate, go to her blog for the details.

1. Do you think fashion blogs are often just conspicuous consumption? Are some?
I do! I think that in order to please their audience a lot of bloggers get sucked into buy buy buying all the time. It’s crazy!

2. As bloggers do we have the obligation to explain our personal financial status, how we pay for the things we showcase, if we have debt, etc…
I’mma answer that with a quick hellz no! Whoever reads my blog does not need to know my financial status. It’s not like I’m offering financial tips, I’m talking about makeup for goodness sakes!

3. Critics often say that fashion bloggers should use their money to support more worthwhile causes than clothing themselves in a different outfit daily. What’s your reaction to this?
I’m trying to understand how said “critics” even have a say? Do they know whether or not these bloggers are supporting worthwhile causes. Some people can actually do both. Even if a blogger chooses not to support a worthwhile cause, that’s their business, no one else’s *shrug*.

4. Since you started blogging, do you spend more money on fashion and beauty products?
No, I actually don’t. Some times I think I’m failing my readers by not doing so, but my responsibility is to my family first, so I’m not going to excessively buy beauty products to showcase on my blog no matter how much I love bringing my readers new items. Now, because I am a beauty product whore, I do have moments where I buy buy buy,but that’s usually once every 2-3 months, and I don’t spend over $150. Until that time comes, I just try to be as creative as I can with what I have, or try samples, or products that are sent to me to review.

5. Life is about more than what money can buy. What are the things that top your list of what life is all about?
Life is about love, the cycle of giving it and getting it in return. It’s about spending time with your family and friends and appreciating the little things. It’s about being honest with yourself and others, and more than anything I believe life is about living up to God’s potential for you.


Friend Friday: Summer Travel

9 Jul

It’s Friend Friday! This is part of a blogger group with Modly Chic. If you’re a blogger that would like to participate, go to her blog for the details.

1. Are you going anywhere this summer that will require a suitcase?
Oh, how I wish. We were suppose to go to the Dominican at the end of this month, but finances are keeping us state side. I will eventually venture to Charlotte, the eastern shore, and NYC, but that’s about it. Sad, I know. If you would like to contribute to my vacation funds, I’ll gladly accept!
2. What are your ‘must-pack’ items?
Seeing how Charlotte is guaranteed to be hot, I will definitely pack my Mehron No Sweat Prep to try to keep the rolls of sweat at bay as much as possible, my L’Oreal HiP Color Presso in Chic, and some lashes.
3. When it comes to makeup how much of your collection do you pack? What do you take? What do you leave behind?
If I’m going away for a real vacation, I pack everything. When you’re gone for 7+ nights at a time, you never know what look you’re gonna want to wear from day to day, so I just take everything. For short trips I pack my favorite gloss at the moment, my favorite liquid foundation and moisturizer so I can make my own tinted moisturizer, mascara and/or lashes and bronzer!
4. Do you have any travel packing advice?
Honestly I love zip lock bags. If anything happens to uncap itself, there won’t be a mess at the bottom of my suitcase. Nothing worse than getting pure pigments all over your gorgeous clothes!
5. What one item should every woman pack when going on a vacation?
Sunscreen lotion AND bronzer!


Friend Friday: Let’s Talk About Nails Baby!

18 Jun

It’s Friend Friday! This is part of a blogger group with Modly Chic. If you’re a blogger that would like to participate, go to her blog for the details.

Q: Do you keep nail polish on your fingers and toes year round?
A: No. I’m really bad with nail care maintenance. I must admit that I’ve stayed on top of my nails a little more than I did before I was engaged because people always seem to ask to see my ring when my nails are nice and raggedy, but yeah, my nails are not my best accessory.
Q: What are your go-to colors for the fingers and toes?

A: Any grey polishes with sparkles like OPI’s DS Coronation
Photo courtesy of Nailed.

Q: Any tips for strengthening your nails?
A: Yes. My nails are in horrible shape right now because I was wearing diamond nails (softer than acrylics, but you still have to get all the filing/drilling done) so in order to help them recoup and become stronger I have started using the Axxium Gel System by OPI again.
Q: Do you have any nail ‘rules’ you abide by?
A: Never ever ever bite my nails, and they must always be roundedly square bwahahaha.
Q: How often, if ever, do you get a manicure and/or pedicure?
A: Every two weeks…for now. I usually drop off around October :~(


Friend Friday: 10 Random Facts About Me

21 May

It’s Friend Friday! This is part of a blogger group with Modly Chic. If you’re a blogger that would like to participate, go to her blog for the details.

  1. My husband and I decided to celebrate our anniversary every month for the first year. Yesterday was our 11th month anniversary. Where does the time go??? 
  2. I’m suppose to be focused on weightloss but chocolate keeps holding me back. Today I had not 1 but 2 chocolate glazed donuts, le sigh. Glad I’m having broccoli and fish for dinner. #Don’tjudgeme.
  3. I already have my childrens names picked out and I’m super duper anal about not telling people what the names are.
  4. I dream of one day having my own makeup line simply so that I can make the bombest raspberry eyeshadow that man kind has ever seen. Yeah, my affair with any color that has even a hint of purple in it runs deep.
  5. I’m an only child. Times like this when moms is in the hospital makes that a hard thing to live with. Thank God for family and friends.
  6. After the age of 10 I refused to wear a dress except for special occasions/church/and the uniforms my catholic school forced us to wear. It was at the age of 10 that some old guy made an unnecessary comment about how sexy my legs were. Can you say grossed out? I can and did and refused to let that happen again. It’s only been in the last 9 months that I’ve regained my power over that dirty old man, and thus I’ve fallen in love with dresses again.
  7. Technology does IT for me. I am a gadget whore and would own every single new gadget that came out if I could afford it.
  8. I wish I could live in NY for a season. Whenever I go up there I immediately feel more mature and focused. Suddenly I know exactly what my goals are and I walk with purpose. I could live with that feeling everyday for the rest of my life. 
  9. I fear being an old mother, but I don’t feel like this is the right time to have kids. So much to do, so much to accomplish. However, Gods plan is always the plan I want to go with, so we’ll see.
  10. I love to paint walls. It’s very therapeutic for me. I once had a friend who I would talk to for hours on the phone about…paint lol. We would visit all of the paint stores online and come up with different color schemes. I had the best time doing that. I miss her, le sigh.